Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP - No1 Kazakhstan Oil & Gas Refinery Company.
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Health, Safety, Environment And Quality.

We are committed to providing services that meet our customers ' needs and expectations for quality, productivity and safety, while fostering a business culture that educates, develops and encourages our people to continuously improve all aspects of our operations. Health, safety and environment (HSE) is implemented at all levels of our business and integrated into our quality assurance system; new employees get a complete picture of Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP as soon as they start their work. All information about the company is archived electronically. Unwanted incidents and deviations from the procedure are logged on our intranet using web-enabled mobile devices. These procedures allow Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP to maintain an optimal HSE system that is always up to date and available online from anywhere in the world.

The functioning of the refinery is associated with increased requirements for industrial fire safety of production, as well as labor protection. Implementation of organizational and technical measures aimed at prevention of emergency situations, reduction of consequences and preparedness for their localization allows to limit the level of risk both for employees of Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP and for the population within acceptable limits.

Social Policy & Development.

Doing great things and changing the world for the better is an integral part of our lives. We pride ourselves on bonding over very important ideas and events. We are confident that the “give-back” from the good things we do is way bigger than the effort we’ve invested into them. The company has always sought to adhere to high standards, both in production and in social aspects. A systematic approach to the implementation of the entire social policy, focused on the needs of employees and their families, responsible business conduct contribute to the stability and efficiency of social investments both within the group companies and in the regions.

Environmental Monitoring Policy.

The main activity of Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP ’s Environmental Department in the sphere of environmental monitoring has been to carry out quantitative and qualitative monitoring of harmful wastes in gaseous, liquid and solid forms emitted to the atmosphere as a result of natural and anthropogenic impacts at enterprises and companies subordinated to Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP , on scientific grounds with the purpose of assessing and forecasting the conditions of air, water and soil environment, implementing regular control and research system defining their chemical content, degree of contamination, radioactive and hydro-biological features and physical characteristics.

Social Responsibility

Gazpromneft-Bitumen Kazakhstan LLP is the winner of the competition “Kazakhstan company with the high social efficiency”

Environment Protection

Gradual work on producing environmentally clean oil products and reducing the process production effect on the environment